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VMS Payroll Management

Payroll is an important and integral department of any organisation. The payroll department is responsible not only for managing employee's salaries and compensation packages, but also for ensuring timely compliance with various legislations in accordance with the respective laws and acts to protect the company’s reputation.

For schools, colleges and other education institution who are involved with teaching, having to manage their payroll attendance and other nitigrities of salary slips generation and management has been one of the most complex elements of running their business. Education institutes need to make sure that everyone is paid with 100% accuracy, including calculations related to taxes, benefits, and more.

How hard is manual payroll

A typical Education institutions have Grade 1 to Grade 12 would have nothing less then 70 to 80 people directly or in-directly working for them. Managing Salaries, Incentives, Taxes, Vouchers for them is not easy. Further tracking everyones attendance, leaves, deductions is a big work-load.

When it comes to something as important as payroll, you don’t want to take any chances as it has direct impact on your finances. VMS Employee Management and Salary Generation offers one of the best payroll management out there. It’s easy for anyone to set up, manage, and pay their staff be it teaching staff, non-teaching or administrators.

VMS helps in preparing payroll in minutes. The management system is incredibly simple to use even if you’re completely inexperienced with online payroll management. You’ll get everything you need to run payroll for your institution VMS is integrated with Staff Attendance allowing easy present and absent days calculation. One of the major benefit of VMS Payroll is that it can even be managed using a Mobile device, thus no need to have a dedicated computer for payroll generation.

VMS Payroll support

Head Office

For Sales and Tie-ups +91 9820322621

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