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Isn’t it very annoying?

Handling kids is the most difficult task to do!
They never listen to you even if they are our own kids, then what do you expect from a bunch of whole class? They won’t!
I don’t how all the teachers manage to do it on daily basis, but even we don’t want to,
but yeah we got to because we have to make a living out of it!
If you are teacher just like me and if you manage to do it, man you got my respect.
I know what we go through. Screaming half of the day to the students for homework, attendance, silence and what not!
I really didn’t feel to continue teaching. But there was no turning back.
And then one day I came across with an old friend of mine, she’s a teacher too,
obviously in a different school, but she didn’t sound to be frustrated in fact she was quite happy with her work,
so I asked her how did she managed to do so?
She introduced me to the software her school was using which helped her with many things.
VMS is a software which their school was using,
VMS offers various features such as Attendance Management, Asset Management, Leave Management, School CRM,
Library Management, Online Exam Management, etc...
So I reached to out to VMS Software and introduced it to my school and they loved its demo and further we bought their software.
If your story matches with mine, then you should definitely give it a try!

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Any education institution can easily convert their ofline exam in an online

What is VMS?

20+ Years of Industry Experience and with experienced team,
At VMSZone, we provide cutting edge products for Schools and Education Industry An EduTech provider with over 20 Years of Industry Experience.
We provide cutting edge software products for Education Industry.

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